About Cindy Pavell

My great passion as an Educator, a Writer, and a Coach is to invite others to move toward their most inviting personal vision of well-being and to be free from behaviors which hold them in bondage.

As a Wellness Professional since 1985, I bring depth, education, intelligence, integrity, humor, discernment, leadership, experience, focus, creativity, commitment, and presence! Until I accepted that I could not make lasting changes from the outside in, I was caught in the hamster wheel. Something fundamentally needed to change about me - the thoughts I had, the way I responded, and the beliefs I carried. I had to start asking different questions. I had to seek new information from a plethora of sources (which is not an issue, as I love research and learning). Most importantly, I had to be ready and willing to do whatever it took... one day at a time... one action at a time... and one moment at a time.

Instead of listing all of my credentials and experience, I have provided a link to my resume, below. I have done this because you may be interested in that information. However, the results you will receive from working with me and applying these fundamental eight foundations to your life far outweigh my credentials. I practice these foundations and I am fully engaged in this process with you!

Cindy Pavell, M.S.
Behavior Change Coach & Posture Alignment Specialist

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